
The Magic Pantry Tarot

Created by Numinous Spirit Press

A food-themed Tarot deck based on individual ingredients, for the home chef or anyone who loves to eat! Vegetarian/vegan friendly.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

DECKS ARE HERE! Orders lock Oct 25! Shipping starts Nov 4!
10 days ago – Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 10:57:34 AM

HELLO FRIENDS! I am excited to announce that the decks all arrived on my doorstep yesterday and so aside from a few shipping supplies, everything is now here! Check it out:

If you have not yet filled out your BackerKit survey, you can do so here using the email you use on Kickstarter.

Here's the deal:

  • Orders will lock October 25. You will get a warning email if you want to add any rewards or remove ones that were added AFTER the Kickstarter (things ordered during the KS cannot be changed).
  • If you added extra rewards during the Backerkit survey, your card will be charged after orders lock, during the last week of October. If your payment fails you will get an email asking you to fix it.
  • Shipping addresses will lock after orders do and/or after cards are charged, if applicable. You will receive a warning email if you need to change your shipping address. Or you can log in now and do so. Please! Double check!
  • If you are moving or have similar concerns about delivery in November such as impacts from recent hurricanes or fires, please contact me.
  • International backers are responsible for any customs fees and/or taxes your country may charge on receipt.
  • Digital rewards will be released Monday, November 4. You will get an email notifying you if you have downloads available (novellas and/or PDF guidebooks); you can also log in to Backerkit to check and find your downloads so long as a) your survey is complete and b) it's after Nov 4.
  • When your order ships, you will get an email from Backerkit with your tracking number(s). Sometimes these go into promotions or spam! You can always log in to Backerkit to check the status of your order and find tracking numbers if it's been shipped.
  • I estimate it will take me about THREE WEEKS to ship all packages. Plus actual transit time spent in the postal system. I will have some help but I am a single disabled creator packing and shipping each order from home! Thank you for your patience in advance.
  • I will return with more updates letting you know what to do if your package is late/lost/stolen/damaged in transit.

Questions? Check out the FAQ! If your answer is not there, contact me.

Thank you everyone for your support and patience. I can't wait to get these decks out to you soon!

General update: Decks are on their way to me! (Also, join me on Patreon)
about 1 month ago – Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 12:03:38 PM

Hi everyone! Just another quick update to keep you all in the loop: as of last week, the decks have finished printing and are now on the boat to me from China! This typically takes 6-8 weeks including time spent in customs and on the truck to my door. I won't know exactly what day the truck will arrive until they've been cleared by customs and the shipping partner contacts me to arrange a date and time, but I'm hoping it will be sooner rather than later.

This timeline, assuming no delays, places the decks on my doorstep somewhere between mid October and early November, which is more or less what I planned for. All of the other rewards and items I either have already or have on order, so we're looking good so far.

If you have any troubles, please feel free to message me here on Kickstarter or through my website contact form.

In the meantime, I'd like to invite you all to a couple of things, if you're not already there:

Sign up for my newsletter! 

This is an important info only mailing list--I only send 1-2 emails per month max, when I have a new product, offering, sale, crowdfunding campaign, or other announcement. It's a great way to stay in the loop if you like my work but don't want a ton of emails or posts.

Join me on Patreon--for free or a small monthly donation!

Patreon is a subscription platform for creators, and earlier this year I started up a new one (my old one having been closed for some time) for fun, lighthearted posts that I used to share on social media, but that no longer get seen on platforms like that. We're talking behind the scenes stuff, progress/process posts, writing blogs, excerpts, sketchbook art, and things like that!

You can join for free to get access to 99% of posts--I post at least once a week--or contribute a small monthly amount to help me continue my work and get the occasional special post, like full chapter excerpts from upcoming books or spontaneous one-card tarot readings. Paid members can also leave comments, and I reply to just about all of them! You can view Patreon posts on desktop or in their mobile app, and get notifications when I post either pushed to your phone and/or your email, so you don't miss them.

Here's some examples of recent posts:

Thank you all for your incredible support! I can't wait to get these decks to you in the near future!

Survey time!! Check your email for Backerkit survey!!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 11:32:00 AM

Hi friends! Just a quick update to let you know that I will be sending out survey links to EVERYONE this week via BackerKit, the third party site I use for Kickstarter fulfillment to gather shipping addresses, add-ons, and the like!

Originally I was going to wait until October to do this, but I realized I need to finalize some item counts for add-ons earlier than that, so I am sending them now. 

Here's how it works:

  1. You will receive an email with a link to the survey at the same email address you use on Kickstarter*
  2. On following the link, you will be asked to confirm your rewards, offered a chance to add more rewards, enter your shipping address, and answer any questions about rewards that have choices (just the original painting for the top tier!)
  4. Once shipping starts (hopefully in November), you will get a tracking email and be able to check your order status via logging into BackerKit
  5. If you decide to buy more add-ons (not including ones you already paid for during the Kickstarter campaign), cards will be charged for those in late October/early November after survey answers are locked.
  6. If you will be moving or out of town in November and aren't sure what address to put in, don't worry; you have at least two months to fill out this survey and I will be sending reminders. I'm also happy to work with folks to hold packages or send them out faster to ensure they get to the right place!

*If you used Apple Pay to pay for your Kickstarter rewards, I may not have your actual email address in Backerkit and you may not get your survey! Please message me here on Kickstarter or use my website contact page so I can edit that for you.

The decks are currently still in production and I am about to purchase all the other little things that need purchasing to fulfill your rewards. Thank you all again for your wonderful support!

Proof copy approved! Preorders open! BackerKit Smoke Test. Moving on forward :)
3 months ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 09:50:55 AM

Hello, everyone! Dropping by with a campaign update for you all. Here's what's happened lately:

I received my physical proof copy from the printer.

It looks great, so I have sent an email with my approval to my contact person at the company. I've also asked for a general estimated manufacturing and shipping timeline, so hopefully I can confirm when rewards will go out more solidly for you all soon--whether that is in November as planned or a little earlier or later.

The Pre-Order Store is now open!

If you know someone who wanted a copy of this deck but missed the Kickstarter campaign, they can now pre-order it via BackerKit here. The Pre-Order Store will be open until fulfillment begins (ETA November), and pre-orders will ship directly after Kickstarter rewards. If I still have stock after fulfillment, it will be available in my regular shop for purchase and I'll update people on that then.

BackerKit setup is done and a survey smoke test will be done.

BackerKit is the third-party service I use to handle fulfillment logistics. Part of the process is sending out a "smoke test" of surveys to a small number of backers to be sure that everything is set up correctly. I will likely be running this smoke test sometime in the next week or so. 

Here's what to do if you receive a smoke test survey email: 

  • The email will be sent to the email address that you use to log in to Kickstarter.
  • Please follow the link to BackerKit to fill out the survey. For most people, this will mean confirming any add-ons, if you purchased them during the Kickstarter, adding more add-ons if you desire, and providing your shipping address.
  • You will be able to change your shipping address right up until I lock surveys, which currently is slated to happen on October 31, 2024. Between now and then, you can always log in to BackerKit if you need to make changes.
  • I will provide plenty of reminders about these dates to ensure everyone meets any deadlines with as few issues as possible.
  • If you don't get a survey now, don't worry! This is just a small test. The majority of surveys will be sent closer to fulfillment time, likely at the beginning of October.

Thank you all, and hope you're having a great summer!

Decks on order! Backerkit preorders coming soon!
3 months ago – Sun, Jul 21, 2024 at 08:32:20 PM

Hi friends! Super quick update to let you know:

  1. I placed the deck order, approved the digital proof, and am now waiting to receive the hard copy proof so I can ensure the colors are printing correctly
  2. In August I will be setting up a Backerkit pre-order shop so that anyone who missed the Kickstarter campaign can order a deck; pre-orders will be available until all orders ship, hopefully around November as planned

That's it for now! Manufacturing and shipping from China takes several months to complete, so I will post more updates as the process continues, but if a month goes by between updates, don't worry! These things just take some time. I probably won't ask for surveys (addresses, etc) until October, which is what you all mainly need to look out for.

Hope you're having a good summer! 💜🌊🌈🏝️✨